Insurance Remediation

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Residential Townhouse

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The owner of this multi-dwelling apartment complex in Auckland’s CBD was faced with an issue from an upstairs apartment water leak resulting in water ingress to her ceiling and wall linings. The team at Lane Construction had to work alongside the owner’s busy schedule to ensure the least amount of disruption was achieved during the remediation process.

Insurance before (1)Insurance after (1)

Dance Studio Remediation

Insurance before (1)Insurance after (1)

Flooding is a common occurrence in a lot of the insurance work we are engaged to repair. This Dance Studio had been affected by a blocked pipe which resulted in flooding to the affected areas. Once we established and rectified the source of the problem, the remediation work could begin.

Als Before (1)Als after (2)

Interior Wall Water Damage

Als Before (1)Als after (2)

Water damage to a retail furniture tenancy, meant a strip out of the walls exposing bottom plate framing & nogs was required. After isolating the plumbing and electrical works a decontamination and clean to areas showing mould was necessary before ensuring the exposed areas were commercially dried and moisture readings compliant, before reinstatement of linings could begin.